Troupe #355 in Duxbury, Massachusetts
"Act well your part; there all the honour lies." - Alexander Pope (Motto of the Thespian Society)
About Us
Duxbury Drama Club, initiated in 1972, is troupe number 355 on the Thespian Society list. As of now, there are over 5,000 troupes in the International Thespian Society. Here in the International Thespian Troupe #355, we strive to give students the opportunity to experience the theatrical arts. We produce 12 shows each year, with weekly meetings called "worknights" on Wednesdays from 7-9.
Our Shows
Providing an emotional and theatrical experience for our community is our number one job. Duxbury and its surrounding towns are an incredibly theatre-rich group with an enthusiastic view of the arts.
The shows we put on vary from year to year, but our show types stay consistent:
Fall Fest
Fall Fest is a friendly contest between the Freshmen, Sophomores, and Juniors. It happens in late October. All three shows are about 30 minutes each, and convey a wide range of emotions; from comedy to drama to tragedy, our club puts on a fantastic three-show fall bonanza. Awards are given out at the end after the judges in the audience -usually teachers- vote and give little summaries for each actor. Those who have the highest points for their acting ability get an award. At the end of the three shows, tallies are built up and the show with the highest overall rating gets their grade and year put on a plaque.
Most glorious of all; our widest audience and widest cast. We put on the Musical after hundreds of hours of practice and work from all sides, cast AND crew. Usually from mainstream media, our shows are the greatest attraction for the drama club in the spring. The Musical happens in Late January or Early February.
The state of Massachusetts has an Educational Theatre Guild which holds a yearly contest. METG is a statewide competition, and is a contest of which schools put on the best production. Duxbury has put on a variety of shows over the past many years, and will continue to take part for years to come.
Full Length
Every spring, the Drama Club puts on a full length show, usually about an hour. Our full length show is usually comedic, but occasionally we have had more emotional theatrical experiences. Full length is directed by a senior who stands up to the challenge of directing everyone. The show usually has a good amount of actors from every grade, freshman through senior.
Spring Fest
Almost exactly like Fall Fest, but in the late spring to early summer. Instead, no specific grade wins and the three different shows are made up of actors from all grades (9-12). Awards are also given out at this show.
Our Advisors:

Technical Director:

Megan McGrail - President
Charlie Connell - Vice President
Kenzie Shotz - Secretary
Sam Cotter - Treasurer
The photos are a work in progress!

Col Clancy - Stage Manager
Nat Maw - Lighting
Ali Dimler - Sound
Alec Lowry - Props
Salem Zubiate - House and Lobby
Alexis Rafoth - Programs
Garnett Segall - Fundraising
Beckett Woolley - Archives
Sophia Barrett - Makeup
Quinn Earle - Costumes
Ky Nash - Publicity
This website is dedicated to Darin MacFarlane, who worked with the Duxbury Drama Club for many decades and provided a safe, welcoming environment for many students interested in theatre. He helped the club flourish and installed a respect for theatre in Duxbury. Darin was the advisor of the club for years, and recently retired.

Buy your Chicago Musical tickets here!
We use GoFan for our online tickets, the same service that sports teams use. The process is the same.
Please make sure to keep evidence of purchase and bring it to the ticket table. Tickets are also available at the table 30 minutes before the shows start.